Version 0.3.0.alpha.6
React components
- Paragraph: textAlign
- Heading: textAlign
- Caption: textAlign
- Image: add maxWidth option
- Button: align text in center
- Make Reset and fonts a separate package
- remove fill brand.svg (wl)
- add brand.(svg|pdf) to chameleon-theme-dl
- modify brand.(svg|pdf) in chameleon-theme-ds
- modify brand.(svg|pdf) in chameleon-theme-gva
- modify brand.(svg|pdf) in chameleon-theme-hbvl
- modify brand-fill.(svg|pdf) in chameleon-theme-hbvl
- modify brand.(svg|pdf) in chameleon-theme-nb
- add opinion.(svg|pdf) chameleon-tokens
- add opinion-fill.(svg|pdf) chameleon-tokens
- modify all other svg icons in chameleon-tokens
- add svgo logic to svgr action
- fix ink problem by upgrading