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Version 7.2.0

Wannes De Backer
Front-end Developer Web

🎨 Themes​

  • Added new social media icons social-bluesky and social-threads. !1997
  • Updated the position of the premium icon on AZ to inline-before instead of after the taxonomy. !1990

πŸš€ New Features​


  • Added a new SegmentedControl component. !1985


  • Added a new SegmentedControl component. !1994
  • Enabled internal SDKs to modify TextOverflow and MaxLines properties on Header, Caption, Paragraph and RichContent components. !1998

πŸ› Bug Fixes​


  • Fixed an issue where the <SegmentedControl/> color was hardcoded instead of using the theme token. !1992

🏠 Internal​


  • Added a check to ensure the signing properties file exists before building the demo app. !1999

Version 7.1.0

Thomas Mattheussen
PO & Lead Developer

🎨 Themes​

  • Added and updated tokens for navigation. !1973
  • Updated all menu-* icons to improve their optical size. !1972
  • Updated linkText.default.textDecoration for chameleon-theme-tel. !1978
  • Updated semantic.paragraph.default.*.strong.typography.fontWeight for chameleon-theme-az. !1977

πŸš€ New Feature​


  • Added imageOptions.hidden for <TextOnImageTeaser/> which allows you to hide the image and remove the placeholder. !1976
  • Added 'use client' for components that need it. !1974


  • Allowed nil for typography due to complexities on implementation side. !1965
  • Added a wrapper to be able to inject the tokenContainer when embedding in a UIViewController. !1967
  • Added extra typealiases to bridge TokenIO to Chameleon. !1966

πŸ› Bug Fix​


  • Fixed the typing of dateTimeOptions.timeZone. !1957
  • Fixed some wrong tokens in TeaserTaxonomy !1959


  • Implemented DefaultProvider for TC. !1958
  • Added string based paths to init of components. !1960
  • Restored pre-7.0 behavior, allowing custom subTheme application to list rows. Improved image lookup for irregular image names using camelCase or missing icon/illustration suffixes. !1963
  • Fixed performance when a subtheme is applied. !1979

🏠 Internal​

  • Updates to dependencies:
  • Added missing documentation for <SegmentedControl />. !1955
  • Added missing documentation for <Dropdown />. !1982
  • Updated outdated asset tokens to 7.x. !1969
  • Automated publishing of the android demo app via CI. !1964
  • Added support for XCode 15.4. !1970 !1971
  • Copy bitrise configuration when needed for publishing. !1954
  • Cleaned up the newspaper Storybook story. !1986

Version 7.0.0

Thomas Mattheussen
PO & Lead Developer

✨🌈 Hello v7​

Following some management decisions, the Chameleon project is facing an unclear future going forward.

To prepare our beloved Mediahuis design system for this moment, we’ve introduced version 7.0.0. This release focuses on decoupling the native and web parts, along with removing a lot of legacy code.

A heartfelt thank you to all the Chameleons who made this product the gem it truly is. 🦎✨

πŸš€ New Feature​


  • Our game-changing native setup, token-io, now powers chameleon-swift! !1933


  • πŸ’₯ BREAKING: chameleon-react no longer supports React v16. The minimum required version is now react v18.2.X. !1927


  • The postcss plugin is rewritten, bringing it up to date. (πŸ’₯ BREAKING: if you haven't already, upgrade your postcss dependency to v8 or up) !1925

Legacy code and packages removal​

πŸ’₯ BREAKING: We’ve purged a significant amount of legacy code and packages.

The following packages have been removed:

  • chameleon-react-legacy
  • chameleon-react-bundled
  • chameleon-scripts-legacy
  • chameleon-theme-nb-legacy
  • chameleon-tokens
  • chameleon-swift-tokens-legacy

In addition the following things are also no longer available:

  • the src-legacy/ folder for each theme
  • the cdn-logos.js file for each theme
  • the lib-legacy/ folder for each theme is no longer published through NPM
  • the lib-android/ folder for each theme is no longer published through NPM

If you need anything mentioned here. Please refrain from updating and keep using the latest 6.x.x version.


🏠 Internal​

  • In finishing token-io and improving on some other parts, we were able to greatly improve our developer and CI workflow. !1893

Version 6.8.2

Thomas Mattheussen
PO & Lead Developer

🎨 Themes​

  • Updated some editorialLabel tokens for chameleon-theme-gva and chameleon-theme-ds. !1949
  • The breaking subtheme is now made available on other storyblocks as well by updating some tokens. !1947

🏠 Internal​

Version 6.8.1

Wannes De Backer
Front-end Developer Web

πŸš€ New Feature​


  • The BrandedHeading component now supports layout tokens, making the padding configurable per brand. !1936

🎨 Themes​

  • Updated the Telegraaf theme with a new sport subtheme and improvements to the premium subtheme. !1935

⚠️ Important Note​

  • Something went wrong when releasing 6.8.0. Please use version 6.8.1 instead.

Version 6.7.0

Thomas Mattheussen
PO & Lead Developer

🎨 Themes​

  • Updated the dateTime format tokens for chameleon-theme-ds. !1929

πŸš€ New Feature​


  • The <TextOnImageTeaser /> and <DefaultTeaser /> components gained a new feature: comments. Two new props allow you to display whether an article has comments and how many. (Please note though that the designs for this will still have to be tweaked for each brand and context, this feature is only delivered on a technical level.) !1930

🏠 Internal​

Version 6.6.0

Thomas Mattheussen
PO & Lead Developer

🎨 Themes​

  • Updated the football and football-active icon for chameleon-theme-gva. !1915
  • Added new header and topBar tokens, enabling brand independence for the Sports SDK and adding consistency with other implementations. !1911

πŸ› Bug Fix​

  • Fixed our asset sync process uncovering some unsynced changes in assets coming from Figma (mostly favicons). !1913

🏠 Internal​

  • Updates to dependencies:
  • Lowered our usage of eks-custom. !1908
  • Updated to kotlin v2. !1904
  • Replaced some old CDN urls in our tokens with updated versions. !1910
  • Renamed ContextManager to ConfigurationSheet in chameleon-kotlin. !1903
  • Fixed a stackoverflow in kotlin-test pipeline jobs. !1912

Version 6.5.0

Thomas Mattheussen
PO & Lead Developer

🎨 Themes​

  • Updated the logo-square-main for most MHNO brands: chameleon-theme-frd, chameleon-theme-hco, chameleon-theme-lcd, chameleon-theme-mco, chameleon-theme-sco. !1907

πŸš€ New Feature​


  • We've exposed our previously internal <TeaserWrapper /> component so you can create your own custom teaser. !1902 !1906


  • We've added a lot of new components to our chameleon-kotlin package! Say hello to: LinkText, Switch, IconButton, TextField, TextArea & InputMask. Nice work @dieter.vaesen! πŸ’« !1872

πŸ› Bug Fix​

  • Fixed the logo-main and logo-main-inverse drawables for chameleon-theme-ld in chameleon-kotlin as these were causing problems due to some extremely large paths. !1901
  • Fixed the play-button icon for chameleon-theme-tel as it was showing a pause icon instead. !1905

🏠 Internal​

  • Added some more internal documentation. !1900

Version 6.4.0

Thomas Mattheussen
PO & Lead Developer

🎨 Themes​

  • Added the chameleon-theme-hbvl sport subtheme. !1885
  • Fixed the design for LinkText color in certain subthemes. !1892
  • Added the ext-vrouw icon to chameleon-theme-tel. !1888

πŸš€ New Feature​


  • Added a new component, welcome <SegmentedControl />! !1804
  • Add a loading prop to <DefaultTeaser />, <TextOnImageTeaser /> and <ListTeaser />. This shows a skeleton where the teaser contents would be, which prevents large layout shifts, providing a smoother loading experience. !1845
  • Add a allowOutsideClick prop to <Dialog /> which if true does not prevent a click outside the focus trap. !1890
  • Refactored our Teaser components allowing the video play icon button to be hidden when overlayed with a playing video. !1891


  • Introducing our game-changing token-io setup β€” a revolutionary overhaul that catapults performance to unprecedented levels. This isn’t just an update; it’s a giant leap forward redifining what's possible for the Chameleon project. With this powerful new integration, we’ve hit another milestone of maturity and capability. Major kudos to @stijn.willems and @dieter.vaesen! πŸ’« !1760


  • Improve the error message for when you try to use a sub-theme that is not available for the current theme. !1832

πŸ› Bug Fix​

  • Fixed the color of the ripple effect on Button in chameleon-kotlin. !1878
  • Fixes some incorrect icons !1888:
    • sorting in chameleon-theme-tel
    • brand-active in chameleon-theme-vl
    • arrow-forward in chameleon-theme-lw
    • thumbs-down in chameleon-theme-nb

🏠 Internal​

  • Updates to dependencies:
  • Added some tests to improve the quality of the tokens-studio $themes.json file. !1881
  • Added some tests to make sure we don't bloat the Kotlin libraries. !1867
  • Updated our docker setup making everything faster and simpler. We also started using Node v22, as it is now the LTS version. !1884
  • Improved the linting and formatting for chameleon-kotlin in CI. !1889