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DateTime: React

Allows you to display a date in a consistent way through the use of formats.


Before you can start using the @mediahuis/chameleon-react component, you’ll need to install it, for more information check: Getting started for developers.

With that done, you’re now ready to implement the component in your application.

import { DateTime } from '@mediahuis/chameleon-react';

export default function Example() {
return <DateTime date={new Date().toISOString()} />;


classNameString-NoAllows extending the class names of the DateTime component.
dateString-NoThe timestamp string (ISO8601) of the date to be displayed.
formatStringdateTimeDefaultFormatNoThe date and time formatting setting.
localeLocaledefaultLocaleNoLocale to be used for formatting.
timeZoneString-NoTimezone to be used for formatting.


The format prop is used to specify the date and time formatting for the display. You can refer to the date-fns documentation for a list of all available formatting settings.

Some examples of formats are:

  • dd/MM/yyyy: 13/01/2023
  • dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm: 13/01/2023 14:30
  • HH:mm: 14:30
  • dd MMMM yyyy: 13 January 2023

The values depend on the locale that is set.

Relative time format

In addition to the standard date-fns formats, you can enhance the standard date-fns formats by utilizing the relative value for the format prop.

This value internally leverages the formatDistanceToNow function provided by date-fns. With this approach, you can display relative time using phrases like '2 hours ago.'

For more details on the formatDistanceToNow function, refer to the date-fns documentation.


Every brand has one fixed locale, but if your brand needs to use another locale it is possible to provide a custom locale.

Import and apply the locale

import { pt } from '@mediahuis/chameleon-react/locale';

// Pass the locale-object to the component
<DateTime locale={pt} date={new Date().toISOString()} />;